A paradigm shift
After three decades of software development and about twenty years of professional experience across Europe and Middle East, now I'm a partner and consultant at a new venture, the SoftInstigate Team. We decided to start a new software company because we felt the urgency of a new paradigm shift
Six decades into the computer revolution, four decades since the invention of the microprocessor, and two decades into the rise of the modern Internet, all of the technology required to transform industries through software finally works and can be widely delivered at global scale.
~ Mark Andreessen Software Is Eating The World
Becoming Agile will steadily become a requirement just to stay in business. In effect, for most companies, failure to acquire digital agility will be an existential threat and so, establishing digital agility has become in effect a strategic necessity.
~ Steve Denning Why Software Is Eating The World
This is my brand new blog and the very first post. It will be my notebook, a diary of a journey in strategic software development and adoption. Sometimes also about my bike trips.
Where will you be when everything is changed?
Good question. Meanwhile, you are welcome.